I am teaching in the BA, MA, and PhD programs of political science at the University of Innsbruck (you can access the course catalogue here) as well as in study programs at the Vienna School of International Studies (Diplomatische Akademie Wien). In these programs I am offering introductory IR courses, advanced IR courses (in particular on order in world politics), advanced courses on academic writing, and simulations.
In my teaching, I am committed to experimenting with new ideas and didactic tools. With my BA-students, for example, I am currently working on a board game that seeks to educate players on factors influencing nuclear proliferation and on the development of international institutions to contain nuclear proliferation (see the project web-page for more details). With my MA-students, I have recently published an edited book on different forms of order in contemporary world politics (in German, open access, available here).
I am also supervising BA- and MA-theses as well as PhD projects. Ongoing PhD projects, in which I am first or second supervisor, are:
Anna Höfler: Great-Power Responsibility in World Politics - A Recognition-Game Perspective. 1st supervisor Martin Senn, 2nd supervisor Jozef Batora (Webster Vienna Private University).
Katja Astner: State Advocacy for Nuclear Disarmament (StAND). 1st supervisor Martin Senn, 2nd supervisor Franz Eder (University of Innsbruck). Funded by the DOC Fellowship Programme of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW).
Christian Schwaderer: Making sense in times of crises: A comparative study on public perception of risks and information dissemination during the COVID-19 pandemic. 1st supervisor Martin Senn, 2nd supervisor Lore Hayek (University of Innsbruck).
Susanne Reitmair-Juárez: What’s (in their) news? Personalized online news use and its implications for adolescents’ political participation. 1st supervisor Lore Hayek, 2nd supervisor Martin Senn. Funded by the Tyrolean Parliament.
Oleksandra Terentyeva: Politics of memory as a practice of decolonization. 1st supervisor Julia Mourão Permoser (University of Vienna), 2nd supervisor Martin Senn. Funded by the DOC Fellowship Programme of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW).
One PhD-project under my supervision was finished in 2022:
- Trix van Mierlo: Does the Barking Dog Bite? Civil Society Efforts to Subnational Authoritarian Enclave Democratization (see the publication in International Political Science Review, which also received the 2022 Best Paper Award of the University of Innsbruck). 1st supervisor Ludger Helms (University of Innsbruck), 2nd supervisor Martin Senn.