In my research I am focusing on four issue-areas:
(dis)order in world politics
the global order on the use of nuclear energy (a.k.a. the global nuclear order)
Austrian foreign policy
political communication
In these issue-areas I am currently working on the following projects:
State Advocacy for Nuclear Disarmanent (StAND). Project funded by Austrian National Science Fund, FWF (together with Katja Astner, Foreign Policy Lab/University of Innsbruck).
The Complexity of Nuclear (Dis)ordering. Special issue and book project (together with Carmen Wunderlich, University of Duisburg-Essen)
Communicating the COVID-19 Crisis A Comparative Analysis of Crisis Communication by Governments and Heads of State. Project funded by the Austrian National Science Fund, FWF (together with Lore Hayek and Sarah Dingler, University of Innsbruck).
Austrian Foreign Policy Panel Project - AFP3. Survey project (Foreign Policy Lab in collaboration with the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs).